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Meet The Bloggers...

See who's who on our social media team!


Megan Van Horn

Name: Danielle Darden

Blog Role: Creative Director

University: Washington State University

Current Obsession: Fro-yo, juicing, and yoga

Favorite Blogger: Layllah 

Your Motto: Just Do It!

Name: Megan Van Horn

Blog Role: Managing Editor

University: I am actually a professional ballet dancer who takes college classes online! 

Current Obsession: Yoga and Overnight Oats

Favorite Blogger: Alyssa Campanella 

Your Motto: Expect the unexpected.

LilyAnne Rice

Name: LilyAnne Rice

Blog Role: Fashion Tab Editor and Social Media Coach

University: Chapman University

Current Obsession: Playing beach volleyball even though I'm moderately terrible at it, and trying to make my evil cat like me.

Favorite Blogger: Anything that the people over at the Free People blog write. Seriously, we're all kindred spirits.

Your Motto: If your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough.

Gabrielle La Chapelle

Name: Gabrielle La Chapelle

Blog Role: Lifestyle Tab Editor

University: Sonoma State University

Current Obsession: Dainty Jewelry 

Favorite Blogger: Lauren Conrad

Your Motto: Do things that feed your soul, not your ego and you will be happy.

Tatum Jay 

Name: Tatum Jay

Blog role: Lifestyle blogger (I am also open to doing beauty blogs at any time) 

University: Saddleback College

Current obsession: Health & fitness

Favorite Blogger: Kristin Prim

Your motto: You can only become what you put work into being! 

Sherah Ndjongo 

Name: Sherah Ndjongo

Blog Role: Fashion Blogger

High School: Inspire Charter School

Current Obsession: Dark lipstick

Favorite Blogger: Bebe Zeva

Your Motto: If you never try you’ll never know

Harshini HVivek

Name: Harshini Vivek

Blog Role: Beauty Blogger

High School:  Frisco Heritage High School (Texas)

Current Obsession: Stitchers/ Netflix

Favorite Blogger: Zoella 

Your Motto: Live More, Love More, Learn More



Angela Rodriguez
Christina Lee

Name: Christina Lee

Blog Role: Fashion Blogger Intern

High School: The Buckley School

Current Obsession: shoes. shoes. everything shoes.

Favorite Blogger:

Your Motto: I don't dress to impress others; I dress to impress myself to see how creative i can get. Fashion is art.


Anika Ayson 

Name: Angela Rodriguez

Blog Role: Fashion Tab Blogger 

University: Fullerton College

Current Obsession: T-Shirt Dresses    

Favorite Blogger: Kristina Bazan 

Your Motto: Dreams don't work unless you do

Name: Anika Ayson

Blog Role: Lifestyle writer

University: University of California, San Diego

Current Obsession: Running (Though I hate exercising, it’s a positive change I’m taking on one step at a time.)

Favorite Blogger: Melly Lee from Melly Lee Photography Blog

Your Motto: Do what you love.

Narita Sisowath

Name: Narita Sisowath

Blog Role: Beauty Blogger

University: Fashion Institute of Design and Merchanding (FiDM)

Current Obsession: MAKEUP!

Favorite Blogger: Carli Bybel

Your Motto: Dont specialize in a particular makeup style but exclude yourself of being able to do any.

Josephine Clements

Name: Josie Clements

Blog Role: Beauty Tab

University: Sonoma State University

Current Obsession: T shirt dresses

Favorite Blogger: leather-lace-and-cupcakes

Your Motto: "Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen"

Contact Us:

(714) 227-9878

Created by Danielle Darden

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