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Chia Seeds: The Up-and-Rising Super Seeds

Bored with water? Don’t resort to fattening sodas and sugar-filled drinks that drain your body of energy. Instead, liven up your healthy beverages with a sprinkle of the up-and-rising super seed known as “the chia seed.” Chia directly translates to the word “strength,” and it gives you exactly that. Rich in fiber, protein and Omega-3 fatty acids, the pin-sized seeds provide you with the energy you need for day-to-day activities preparing you for any fitness session.

Give your immune system a boost of antioxidants by peppering in a cup of chia seeds to any beverage of your choice. Whether a juice, a smoothie or simply water, once added these flavorless seeds develop a jelly-like coating around their exterior and, according to Tufts University, help digestive ease as opposed to consuming the seeds dry.

Available at Trader Joe’s, organic Chia seeds from Paraguay compliment any quality beverage for a reasonable cost of $4.99 per 12 ounce bag. Several antioxidant-rich recipe options include but are not limited to:

Homemade lemonade: Chia seeds and lemonade go hand-in-hand to create a thirst-quenching drink perfect for these few final weeks of summer heat. Fill your blender with several cups of water, depending on the amount of people you would like to serve, and three to four lemons cut into 4 slices each for an easier blend. Blend together and drain the lemon rinds. Add sugar to taste and chia seeds as desired. An easy mix made in minutes.

Banana bread: Whether in muffins or a loaf of freshly baked bread, chia seeds decorate the spongy texture of banana bread with a crunch in every delicious bite. For those allergic to nuts, chia seeds also serve as a beneficial alternative. In a recipe by Simply Recipes, your week-old bananas will be put to good use and avoid waste. Enjoy with your homemade lemonade on a scorching summer’s day or with a warmer beverage on a chilling fall night.


1. University, Tufts. "Should You Jump on the Chia Seeds Bandwagon?" Health & Nutrition Letter. Tufts University. Web. 28 Aug. 2015.

2. Gunnars, Kris. "11 Proven Benefits of Chia Seeds (No. 3 Is Best)." Authority Nutrition. 8 June 2014. Web. 2 Sept. 2015.

3. Zelman, Kathleen. "The Truth About Chia." WebMD. WebMD. Web. 28 Aug. 2015.

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