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Quinoa: The New Powerhouse “Grain”

Well, it’s officially February. We all know what that means: those resolutions we made last month have probably faded by now. Have no fear! There is still time to revamp that “new Year, new me” goal. One surefire way to get back on the healthy lifestyle kick is to hop on the Supergrain Train and ride it till you hit Quinoa Station.

These tasty little seeds, contrary to common belief, are actually not technically grouped in the grain category. Instead they are thrown in with their closest relatives which, surprisingly, happen to be flowering plants such as beets and spinach. Hold up. Did I just say that a “vegetable” is one of the fastest growing food trends of the year so far? That I did. Nevertheless, they are conservatively grouped with the grain family because of their appearance, taste, and many common uses. Quinoa seeds, when uncooked, have a distinctive tiny bead-like appearance of varying colors like browns, reds, and golds. They have a specific nutty taste and can be used for anything from a substitute to your everyday breakfast oatmeal, a healthy dinner side, or even as an addition to your favorite dessert!

This hot new food trend has actually been around for centuries, dating back to the Incas. They were arguably the pioneers of the superfood when, according to Mind Body Green, they realized the seeds were edible for humans. Not only are they edible, though. They also have ample exciting health and wellness benefits. For starters, they have been dubbed as “The Supergrain of the Future, “ for their proven protein richness, containing all nine essential amino acids. Other things contained in quinoa are iron, manganese, fiber (and lots of it!), and magnesium, all of which have been known to boost energy, metabolism, and the body’s injury prevention systems (for all you athletes out there). Furthering the injury prevention, this veggie in disguise also has beneficial anti-inflammatory properties present in various acids and chemicals. This little powerhouse also has shown chart-topping amounts of vitamin E compared to other grains.

Various studies have also given a nod to quinoa for reducing risks of Type 2 diabetes, colon cancer, cardiovascular disease, allergy, and even lowering overall cholesterol while maintaining the “good” cholesterol, HDL.

Special Note: For those who are gluten-concious and/or gluten-free, quinoa is perfect for your diet, having been gluten-free certified!

Shown here are some basic nutritional facts about this cute little powerseed:

Two fun and easy quinoa recipes are Strawberry Infused Breakfast Quinoa (courtesy of and Chocolate Quinoa Dessert Bites (courtesy of!


*All images courtesy of Google Images

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